Winenot, creator of local wines.

Winenot invites you on a journey, that of the grape varieties and wine regions of France through our brands.

les beaux gosses cotes du rhone
colette et leon coteaux bourguignons blanc
cosmic pinot noir
les beaux gosses bg

Les Beaux Gosses

Les Beaux Gosses serve you a refined and elegant Côtes du Rhône élégant.

les beaux gosses cotes du rhone
les enfants terribles 2 bg

Les Enfants Terribles

Les Enfants Terribles will rock you with irresistible wines from all horizons!

les enfants terribles chardonnay
Cosmic Wines - Winenot - Groupe Aegerter


With the planets aligned, the Cosmic wine journey brings you unique wines.

cosmic pinot noir
colette et leon

Colette & Léon

Colette & Léon bring you the best of Beaujolais!

colette et leon coteaux bourguignons blanc
juliette amat

Juliette Amat

Juliette Amat, the embodiment of a woman and red wines with character.

juliette amat cotes du rhone
les enfants terribles chardonnay
juliette amat cotes du rhone

you can't buy

the Happiness

but you can buy

of Wine

(... and it's almost the same thing )

les beaux gosses cotes du rhone
cosmic pinot noir